Memory initialisation

The Amiga has two types of memory. The first one is found on-board and it is traditionally referred to as "Chip Memory". This name comes from the fact that both the CPU and the custom chips have access to it, which also means that all this components have to share the access. This slows down the CPU when the custom chips are using the memory. While they can use DMA to access it without blocking the CPU, the memory cannot be accessed by multiple components at the same time.

The second type of memory is called "Fast Memory" because the CPU has exclusive access to it, thus providing better performances. It is also referred to as "expansion memory" since it comes with expansion boards.

At a certain point during boot time Kickstart figures out the types of memory installed in the Amiga machine and puts the expansion memory size in a4. If this register contains a non-zero value, Kickstart knows that an expansion board has been installed and configures the memory accordingly.

The memory initialisation code is the following

00000380: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000382: 6724                      beq.b   0x3a8
00000384: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
00000388: 43fa ffa8                 lea     0x332(pc),a1
0000038c: 7400                      moveq   #0,d2
0000038e: 323c 0005                 move.w  #0x5,d1
00000392: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000394: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
00000396: 0480 0000 1800            subi.l  #0x1800,d0
0000039c: 6100 1688                 bsr.w   0x1a26
000003a0: 41f8 0400                 lea     0x400.w,a0
000003a4: 7000                      moveq   #0,d0
000003a6: 600a                      bra.b   0x3b2
000003a8: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
000003ac: 203c ffff e800            move.l  #-0x1800,d0
000003b2: 323c 0003                 move.w  #0x3,d1
000003b6: 2448                      movea.l a0,a2
000003b8: 43fa ff6c                 lea     0x326(pc),a1
000003bc: 74f6                      moveq   #-0xa,d2
000003be: d08b                      add.l   a3,d0
000003c0: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
000003c2: 6100 1662                 bsr.w   0x1a26
000003c6: 224e                      movea.l a6,a1
000003c8: 6100 107e                 bsr.w   0x1448

As I did in the previous post I will split the code in parts and replace some addresses with labels to try and make the routine more understandable

00000380: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000382: 6724                      beq.b   Only_chip

00000384: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
00000388: 43fa ffa8                 lea     0x332(pc),a1
0000038c: 7400                      moveq   #0,d2
0000038e: 323c 0005                 move.w  #0x5,d1
00000392: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000394: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
00000396: 0480 0000 1800            subi.l  #0x1800,d0
0000039c: 6100 1688                 bsr.w   0x1a26
000003a0: 41f8 0400                 lea     0x400.w,a0
000003a4: 7000                      moveq   #0,d0
000003a6: 600a                      bra.b   Add_chip

000003a8: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
000003ac: 203c ffff e800            move.l  #-0x1800,d0

000003b2: 323c 0003                 move.w  #0x3,d1
000003b6: 2448                      movea.l a0,a2
000003b8: 43fa ff6c                 lea     0x326(pc),a1
000003bc: 74f6                      moveq   #-0xa,d2
000003be: d08b                      add.l   a3,d0
000003c0: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
000003c2: 6100 1662                 bsr.w   0x1a26
000003c6: 224e                      movea.l a6,a1
000003c8: 6100 107e                 bsr.w   0x1448

The two addresses 0x326 and 0x332 mentioned in the code contain the two zero-terminated strings Chip Memory and Fast Memory

; ################################################################
; 'Chip Memory' string

00000326: 43 ; C
00000327: 68 ; h
00000328: 69 ; i
00000329: 70 ; p
0000032a: 20 ; SP
0000032b: 4d ; M
0000032c: 65 ; e
0000032d: 6d ; m
0000032e: 6f ; o
0000032f: 72 ; r
00000330: 79 ; y
00000331: 00 ; NUL

; ################################################################
; 'Fast Memory' string

00000332: 46 ; F
00000333: 61 ; a
00000334: 73 ; s
00000335: 74 ; t
00000336: 20 ; SP
00000337: 4d ; M 
00000338: 65 ; e
00000339: 6d ; m
0000033a: 6f ; o
0000033b: 72 ; r
0000033c: 79 ; y
0000033d: 00 ; NUL

Let's analyse the code line by line.

00000380: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000382: 6724                      beq.b   Only_chip

The first thing that Kickstart does is to check if a4 contains a non-zero value, which signals that we have a memory expansion board available. If a4 is zero the code jumps to the part that initialises chip memory only.

00000384: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
00000388: 43fa ffa8                 lea     0x332(pc),a1

The code then loads two effective addresses. The first one is the first free memory location (0x24c) and the second one is the string Fast Memory. The reason behind the address 0x24c is explained in a later section in detail.

The purpose of the code is to call the AddMemList routine, which adds the memory to the system free memory pool. It has the following prototype

size = AddMemList(size, attributes, pri, base, name)
D0                D0    D1          D2   A0    A1

where size is the size of the memory (bytes), attributes contains flags that identify memory attributes, pri is the priority of the memory, base is the base address of the new area and name is a name for this list.

0000038c: 7400                      moveq   #0,d2
0000038e: 323c 0005                 move.w  #0x5,d1

The code then prepares the registers for the AddMemList call. It gives this memory priority 0 and sets the attributes flags to 0x5, which is 101, or PUBLIC and FAST (see include_i/exec/memory.i).

00000392: 200c                      move.l  a4,d0
00000394: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
00000396: 0480 0000 1800            subi.l  #0x1800,d0
0000039c: 6100 1688                 bsr.w   0x1a26

The expansion memory base address is copied in d0 (this is actually an unneeded repetition of what the code did 6 lines before, I think). It then subtracts the address of the first free location (because if this is not 0 it means that something is already stored in memory) and the size of the stack, that was initialised previously by Kickstart to 6 KBytes (hardcoded). After that the code jumps to AddMemList (0x1a26).

When the routine returns the code begins the initialisation of the chip memory. The chip memory has to be initialised in two different ways depending on the presence of the expansion memory, as the latter is preferably used by the CPU.

000003a0: 41f8 0400                 lea     0x400.w,a0
000003a4: 7000                      moveq   #0,d0
000003a6: 600a                      bra.b   Add_chip

000003a8: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
000003ac: 203c ffff e800            move.l  #-0x1800,d0

If the initial test on the presence of the expansion memory fails the code jumps directly to 0x03a8. If the expansion memory has already been initialised, instead, the CPU executes the code at 0x03a0 and then jumps to 0x03b2 (Renamed Add_chip here).

000003a0: 41f8 0400                 lea     0x400.w,a0

So if there is expansion memory, Exec will be loaded there, which means that both it and the system stack are not in the chip memory. We can then add the whole space above 0x400 (more on this number in a later section)

000003a4: 7000                      moveq   #0,d0
000003a6: 600a                      bra.b   Add_chip

Since the stack has already been created in fast memory we can store a 0 in d0 and jump to the code that adds the memory to the system lists

If the expansion is not present, instead, Exec is installed in the chip memory, so we compute the base like we did for the fast memory.

000003a8: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0
000003ac: 203c ffff e800            move.l  #-0x1800,d0

Here we load the effective address of the first free location, 0x24c bytes after the ExecBase address, and we specify the size of the memory as 6 Kbytes less than the maximum, to keep some space for the system stack. The size is negative as later the memory size will be added to the register.

000003b2: 323c 0003                 move.w  #0x3,d1
000003b6: 2448                      movea.l a0,a2
000003b8: 43fa ff6c                 lea     0x326(pc),a1
000003bc: 74f6                      moveq   #-0xa,d2
000003be: d08b                      add.l   a3,d0
000003c0: 9088                      sub.l   a0,d0
000003c2: 6100 1662                 bsr.w   0x1a26

After this we repeat the same procedure that was described for the fast memory. The attributes are now CHIP and PUBLIC (0x3), the string at 0x326 is Chip Memory, and the priority is -10 (-0xa). The a3 register already contains the end address of the chip memory, so we add it to d0 and then subtract the first free location computed before to get the size of the memory. As happened before, the routine calls AddMemList at 0x1a26.

000003c6: 224e                      movea.l a6,a1
000003c8: 6100 107e                 bsr.w   0x1448

The last action of this part of the code is to call AddLibrary at 0x1448. The only parameter the routine requires is the base address of the library in a1, which is why the code copies a6 there.

The "magic number" 0x24c

When we discussed the way the memory is initialised we discovered a "magic number" that Kickstart uses to find the first free location in memory

00000384: 41ee 024c                 lea     0x24c(a6),a0

The first free location, according to this code is 0x24c (588) bytes after the Exec base address. The reason behind this number is simple. When the Exec library is installed its structures use exactly 588 bytes, thus that is the address of the first free space in memory.

It's easy to calculate this number. Here you find the annotated version of the ExecBase structure that I already used in the previous instalment.

The structure is described in the include_i/exec/execbase.i include file, and I added the displacement in bytes of each field. The first column is the displacement in the ExecBase structure, while the second starts from 0x22. The latter comes from the fact that the structure follows an LN structure and a LIB structure, described in the fourth instalment of this series.

0000 0022    UWORD   SoftVer
0002 0024    WORD    LowMemChkSum
0004 0026    ULONG   ChkBase
0008 002a    APTR    ColdCapture
000c 002e    APTR    CoolCapture
0010 0032    APTR    WarmCapture
0014 0036    APTR    SysStkUpper
0018 003a    APTR    SysStkLower
001c 003e    ULONG   MaxLocMem
0020 0042    APTR    DebugEntry
0024 0046    APTR    DebugData
0028 004a    APTR    AlertData
002c 004e    APTR    MaxExtMem

0030 0052    WORD    ChkSum

******* Interrupt Related ********************************************

    LABEL   IntVects
0032 0054    STRUCT  IVTBE,IV_SIZE
0086 00a8    STRUCT  IVAUD0,IV_SIZE
0092 00b4    STRUCT  IVAUD1,IV_SIZE
009e 00c0    STRUCT  IVAUD2,IV_SIZE
00aa 00cc    STRUCT  IVAUD3,IV_SIZE
00b6 00d8    STRUCT  IVRBF,IV_SIZE
00e6 0108    STRUCT  IVNMI,IV_SIZE

******* Dynamic System Variables *************************************

00f2 0114    APTR    ThisTask

00f6 0118    ULONG   IdleCount
00fa 011c    ULONG   DispCount
00fe 0120    UWORD   Quantum
0100 0122    UWORD   Elapsed
0102 0124    UWORD   SysFlags
0104 0126    BYTE    IDNestCnt
0105 0127    BYTE    TDNestCnt

0106 0128    UWORD   AttnFlags

0108 012a    UWORD   AttnResched
010a 012c    APTR    ResModules
010e 0130    APTR    TaskTrapCode
0112 0134    APTR    TaskExceptCode
0116 0138    APTR    TaskExitCode
011a 013c    ULONG   TaskSigAlloc
011e 0140    UWORD   TaskTrapAlloc

******* System List Headers (private!) ********************************

0120 0142    STRUCT  MemList,LH_SIZE
012e 0150    STRUCT  ResourceList,LH_SIZE
013c 015e    STRUCT  DeviceList,LH_SIZE
014a 016c    STRUCT  IntrList,LH_SIZE
0158 017a    STRUCT  LibList,LH_SIZE
0166 0188    STRUCT  PortList,LH_SIZE
0174 0196    STRUCT  TaskReady,LH_SIZE
0182 01a4    STRUCT  TaskWait,LH_SIZE
0190 01b2    STRUCT  SoftInts,SH_SIZE*5

01e0 0202    STRUCT  LastAlert,4*4

01f0 0212    UBYTE   VBlankFrequency
01f1 0213    UBYTE   PowerSupplyFrequency

01f2 0214    STRUCT  SemaphoreList,LH_SIZE

0200 0222    APTR    KickMemPtr
0204 0226    APTR    KickTagPtr
0208 022a    APTR    KickCheckSum

020c 022e    UBYTE   ExecBaseReserved[10];
0216 0238    UBYTE   ExecBaseNewReserved[20];
022a 024c    LABEL   SYSBASESIZE

The include file that I found in the Amiga Developer CD has a slightly different version of this structure that contains fields from higher versions of Exec. This structure can be found in the Amiga System Programmer's Guide, page 308. You can easily find the definitions of values like SH_SIZE in the include files contained in the include_i/exec/ directory.

As you can see the final address is 0x24c, which is exactly where the free memory begins (remember that LABEL is a macro and not a field, so it doesn't use space).

The "magic numbers" 0x676 and 0x400

The Motorola 68000 architecture forces to reserve the first 1024 bytes (0x400) for the exception vectors. The table of these vectors can be found in the Programmer's Reference Manual, page B-2, and this is the source for the magic number used when adding the chip memory to the system lists in case an expansion memory is installed.

The Exec base address, however, is not 0x400 but 0x676. As we already know the library is preceded by the jump table, and since Exec exports 105 functions we use 105*6 = 630 bytes for the jump vectors. Adding these 630 bytes to the first 1024 reserved for the exception vectors gives 1654 (0x676) as the base address of the library.

        | First free address                    |
   2242 +---------------------------------------+ 0x8c2 <-+
        | ExecBase structure                    |         |
   1688 +---------------------------------------+ 0x698   |
        | LIB structure                         |         | Exec base
   1668 +---------------------------------------+ 0x684   | structure
        | LN structure                          |         |
   1654 +---------------------------------------+ 0x676 <-+
        | Jump vector #105                      |         |
        +---------------------------------------+         |
        | [...]                                 |         |
        +---------------------------------------+         | Exec jump
        | Jump vector #2                        |         | vector table
   1030 +---------------------------------------+ 0x406   |
        | Jump vector #1                        |         |
   1024 +---------------------------------------+ 0x400 <-+
        | End of reserved space                 |         |
        +---------------------------------------+         |
        | [...]                                 |         |
     12 +---------------------------------------+ 0xc     | 1 Kilobyte
        | Vector #2                             |         | reserved by
      8 +---------------------------------------+ 0x8     | the M68k
        | Reset Initial Program Counter         |         | architecture
      4 +---------------------------------------+ 0x4     |
        | Reset Initial Interrupt Stack Pointer |         |
      0 +---------------------------------------+ 0x0   <-+

What's next

It's time to show the complete Exec vector table, as we are going to use and analyse all the functions defined there. I will then discuss the structure of the memory list header and its relationship with linked lists. Last I will dissect the code of AddMemList and thus show in detail how the chip and expansion memory areas are added to to free memory pool.



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